Why Women Are Directionally Dyslexic

I've known a couple of women who aren't and I've heard of a couple of men who are. But mainly, directions exchanged between the sexes are exercises in futility. When Mrs. Stupidman gives me directions I need a big piece of paper. Her directions are based on rights, lefts and landmarks. Go past the Wal-Mart, turn left at the big sign, look for the house with the puce shutters (What's puce?), then go two houses further on the opposite side. "What's the address?" "I don't know, but you can't miss it." "From what direction did you assume I was coming when you began the instructions?" "Huh?" "The Wal-Mart is on the corner of an intersection. Should I go north, south, east or west from the Wal-Mart?" "Huh?" "Should I head towards Kansas, Arkansas, Texas or California?" (We live in Oklahoma.) "Oh, Arkansas." I realize I don't pay attention to landmarks. I don't notice the new stores, the pretty signs, the big tree. I'm limited to primary colors and even with that I have trouble distinguishing blues from greens. When I was younger I tried to accommodate women by giving landmark directions but I was a failure. One time my sister wanted directions to a new shopping center. I told her to go past three red lights before making a right turn. She got lost and blamed me. Turned out I should have said traffic light instead of red light. Mrs. Stupidman and I used to have a lot of conflict over directions. She thought my smug expressions and tone were condescending (not me). But then one day I picked up a book entitled "Sex On The Brain". Unfortunately, the title was deceiving and it was really about clinical studies that attempted to explain differences for how women and men process information. But I read it anyway. One particular study had to do with rats. All of the rats were put in a maze that had white wall panels with food placed at the maze exit. The exit path had colored panels, serving as landmarks, to mark the correct turns. After a little practice the rats found the food. The path was changed repeatedly but as long as colored panels were used all the rats found the food. Then, white panels were substituted for the colored panels. The males still found the food but the females were hopelessly lost. They cut up all the rat brains (sorry) and found one section of the male brain that was lumpier (some of these scientific terms are just unavoidable) than the female brain. The researchers postulated that the lumpiness was the result of the need to develop advanced locator abilities so the male rats could find their way back to previously discovered food sources while the female cared for the little ratlings. Then, they cut up human brains (I'm sure they were already dead) and found the same differences. So, there you have it. I am much more accepting now that I know that women are directionally dyslexic. On the other hand, men might be mutants. You can sign up for Stupidman's Occasional Newsletter at www.stupidmanok.com/or.html