Oil Producing Nations Should Want Greater Stability in the M

Isolation of Arab Nations from the global community may jeopardize the future of the entire Middle East region. New improved technology can be used as a tool to isolate and separate the Middle East region from the developing world.

Oil Producing Nations
Should Want Greater Stability
in the Middle East

All Arab governments in the Middle East should want to create more stability in the Middle East.

The world is constantly changing. All Arab oil producing nations should have a vested interest in discovery and application of more efficient oil production processes.

Material science is undergoing rapid progress. New emerging technology is creating super strong and lightweight materials.

Super strong and lightweight materials have tremendous application to more cost efficient oil production processes. Super strong and lightweight materials can potentially create virtually indestructible drill bits and oilrigs.

No one knows where, when, or how full assembler based nanotechnology will be discovered. It is plausible that full assembler based nanotechnology may very well be discovered at an Arab University.

The most likely scenario is every nation will separately pursue its own scientific research programs. Eventually, every nation may discover full assembler based nanotechnology on its own accord and timetable.

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