Can Forbearance Benefit You?

Forbearance is when a lender agrees to let you delay your payments to them for a short period of time. That doesn't mean the lender has forgiven the debt but just allows you to pay what you owe at a later date. Forbearance can be an option to someone that is experiencing temporary financial difficulty. A forbearance agreement is most commonly applied to two kinds of loans, mortgages and student loans. Forbearance Mortgage A forbearance mortgage is when your lender agrees to let you delay your monthly mortgage payments for a short period of time. A forbearance mortgage is often combined with other programs that bring your monthly mortgage payments current after a negotiated period of time. You sign a forbearance agreement that states the lender will require you to pay the amount you owe at a later date. This is a much better option than going into mortgage foreclosure. Forbearance Student Loan Most people have difficulty making student loan payments but your loan servicer may allow you to apply for a forbearance student loan. If they do grant you this option you will sign a forbearance agreement. Under the forbearance agreement you are still responsible for interest as it accrues and any unpaid interest is added to your principal balance. That means that you will pay interest on a higher balance when you do resume your payments. That can possibly make your monthly payment go up but is a much better option than defaulting on your loans. Defaulting on student loans can have negative effects on your credit score for years. A lender will review and analyze your financial situation before offering the forbearance agreement. Once a lender or servicer agrees to allow forbearance, it's very important that you follow through on any promises you make. The best thing to do is ask your lender or loan servicer if forbearance is an option they will consider. Avoiding mortgage foreclosure or paying on your student loans is always a better choice and forbearance may be a good way to accomplish it. Copyright