How to Protect Your Nest Egg While Investing Online

Would you like to know how to protect your nest egg while investing online? Well, read on and I will explain how I do it. I'm not trying to hide anything. HYIPs, Rolling Maturity Date HYIPs, Slow-rolling HYIPs all have their drawbacks. The key to investing in these safely is to have a strategy. The number one strategy is simple. Don't bet the farm. Don't invest any money that you need tomorrow to survive. That's simple enough. Second, don't put more into any one vehicle that you would feel guilty about losing. And feeling slightly bad because you lost a hundred dollars or so doesn't count. I preach this over and over, but pay attention once more. All...All investments entail some risk. No matter which one you name. As a result I say to play the high risk ones with smaller amounts because when you hit one that makes you money you can take advantage of its quick build personality to leverage your money quicker. Having said all that then, we need to learn to protect our nest egg from the start. You might have understood from what I just said that small investments are the way to go. Since it is so easy to double your money in a short time we use that feature to double a small amount of money like $50 or $100. That is our initial investment in anyone program or vehicle. Now, you can choose to join 10 to 50 vehicles as rapidly as you can if you have the cash and audacity to do so. Most of us, though, like to test the waters and do it a little at a time. In fact, I advocate taking 2 or 3 vehicles at first and waiting for your money to double. Once the original spend has doubled then withdraw that money from the program at once. Then reinvest that small $200 to $300 over and over until you have as close to 50 programs paying you interest, compound interest. Your initial investment or spend is now back safe with you. Keep the remaining funds in the program(s) keep the interest compounding. Your money is doubling quickly depending on what each program pays. How exciting is that? If you keep it up and duplicate this over and over 50 or 100 dollars at a time you can wind up with incredible wealth. Once the original spend is back with you, you have no risk at all. You can keep it safe or reinvest it over and over. If you spread the investments over several vehicles you will not lose the whole thing if one of the HYIPs becomes insolvent as they are prone to do. Expect to lose now and then. Expect to win all the time! Remember those words and live by them and invest by them. More money can be made using your money that you can ever make using your back. The internet is an exciting place to watch your money grow. If you follow good investing sense and techniques not discussed here you can do so with relative safety. You can't play baseball until you know that the object is. You can't expect to win investing online unless you exercise certain caution and good judgement. Learn the game first.