Balance Transfer Credit Cards - How Good Are They?

Are you looking for ways to save yourself money? If the answer is yes then read on as I have the answer to your prayers, by changing your credit card to one that offers a balance transfer deal. The credit card companies are looking for your business, so there has never been a better time to check out the great deals that are on offer, and save yourself some money at the same time. One of the ways to do this is by looking for credit card companies that are offering Balance transfer deal. 0% balance transfers - what are they? Balance transfer deals, what are they I here you ask! They are here to save us money and using one will be a great advantage to you. If you are not sure how they work read on and I will explain, A balance transfer is when you move your balance from your existing card to another card that is giving you a better APR. A lot of companies are jumping on the bandwagon with this deal they will offer you 0% interest for a period of time, it could be 6 to 9 months or even up to a year. A typical example is say the card you had was charging you a an APR of 27.9% and your balance is