Recall the Holocaust

There are somethings that have taken place in our world and history that we should never forget.Today is a day set aside to recall the Holocaust in which one man Hitler tried to destroy a group of people the Jews just because of who they are .
There are somethings that have taken place in our world and history that we should never forget.

What are some of the things we should never forget?

Well, here is part of a list Watergate, the death/killing of President Kennedy, the attempted killing of President Reagan, Iran hostage crisis, the killing of Martin Luther King, Jr. September 11, 2001.

Then there is the thing I like us to focus on today Tuesday, April 29. Today is a day set aside to recall the Holocaust in which one man Hitler tried to destroy a group of people the Jews just because of who they are.

Thank God his evil goal was not fulfilled.

If I am right in Israel today everything stops at a certain point in which everyone stands still.

There are people today saying that there was no such thing as the Holocaust. Those people need to see some of the camps where Hitler's men did evil.

Also in Europe today with Anti-Semitism rising I believe if we do not know history and embrace it we could see it repeated.

If you are a follower of Jesus you should stand behind the Jewish people and for sure stand behind those who are not treated right.

May God Bless the Jewish people and may we never forget the Holocaust and may it never happen again.

About the Author

Billy Dickson is a youth worker and writer.He writes about issues to do with our culture as he sees what is taking place in the Christian and secular world.In all that he writes his goal is to be a MAD Person. MAD=Make-A-Difference.