Realize you are never smarter than the market

Realize you are never smarter than the market What exactly do we mean when we say that you are never smarter than the market? After all, you have all this experience and education, right? Yes, but the market does not care. Remember that the market is dynamic, and what works today may not work tomorrow. There is never a guarantee that a trade will be profitable, no matter how well you analyzed everything before you made it. The best we can do is to put the law of averages on our side and try to profit by statistically proven methods. But you must realize that there will always be exception to every rule. Whenever you try to fight the market and think that you are smarter, you will lose. It's that simple. When the market changes, and it will, just be perceptive and change with it. You will perish if you try to fight it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- You can republish this article by providing clickable links to the source: