Compassion is Absolutely Necessary for Healthy Form of Scien

Greater technological power within society will demand greater love and compassion. Society must committ itself to greater love and compassion for frail, weak, and most vulnerable citizens to insure a healthy form of scientific progress.

An Increase in Greater Technological Power
Requires An Increase in Greater Compassion
For the Most Frail, Weak, and Vulnerable Citizens
Within Society to Insure Evolution
of a Healthy Form of Scientific Progress

Honor Thy Mother and Father. The Scripture mandate is clear. Ancient Scripture is a guide for compassion. Compassion for all despite race, creed, gender, or ethnic origin is absolutely necessary for evolution of a healthy form of scientific progress. Ancient Scripture is a vital guide for human compassion

In the book, The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead, Dr. Frank Tipler provides a discussion of how a pre-existing God can use science to fulfill the hope of every major religion. Dr. Frank Tipler pointed out that all major religions share common central themes. (Tipler, Frank, The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead, Anchor Publishing Company, September 1997)

Greater technological power within society will demand greater love and compassion. The goal of every religion should be to increase love and compassion in a prudent intelligent fashion that does not allow compromise of central tenets. Religious leaders should help increase love and compassion for the frail, weak, and most vulnerable members of society as scientific technological power grows to meet human needs.

The exercise of greater love and compassion for frail, weak, and most vulnerable citizens may slow rapid scientific progress. Overall, greater love and compassion for frail, weak, and most vulnerable citizens should be worth the social cost because greater love and compassion will contribute to a healthy form of scientific progress.

The United States Senate should not have to engage in very much debate to do the right thing in terms of passing a Medicare Prescription package plan for senior citizens. The United States senate should pass full Medicare Prescription coverage for seniors effective immediately.

How can we forget our seniors who so diligently labored and toiled during times when modern day conveniences did not exist? Seniors of today diligently labored and toiled to diaper young men and women who are now leaders of today