JUDGE ROBERST ENLIGHTENS THE COMMITTEE The newly appointed Chief of the US Supreme Court is known for his bright intellect, his profound knowledge of the law and his capacity for providing extensive correlations and references to any subject discussed. We overheard the following conversation at the latest ping pong tournament at the Justice Department "Judge Roberts, we have covered a great deal of ground during the sessions leading to your final appointment as Chief Justice. I would like to ask you a simple question and expect a simple answer. We appreciate the weight and careful structure of your replies that at times go beyond what is needed. My question is: Can the Supreme Court incorporate itself and sell its shares in Wall Street?" "Your question suggests a serious analysis of its contents in line with the established precedents reflected in Section 5, article 23 of the corresponding regulatory amendment, which in any case also answers to the requirements "pro-bono" and "in tempore", without ignoring "ego me bene habeo" as expressed by the Judge Adjunct to the District Court in a case of similar intention, but not exceeding the limits of judicial stress or any unknown denomination that can interact upon the notions presented but not yet integrated into the corresponding brief, this of course as long as a simple legal instrument such as a petition or a contentious writ of assimilation can be introduced prior to further evaluation and assessment of the matter in question, but keeping in mind that ...." "Thank you Judge Roberts!"