How to Write a Newsletter without Being a Writer

One of the best ways to stay in touch with current and past clients, colleagues and fans, is to publish a regular newsletter. Whether you use a HTML template tool like Constant Contact, simply create a good looking text email to send out to your contacts, or publish something fancy with PDF, it can draw new business simply by making sure that no one forgets what your business does and can do for them. For every company that benefits from this form of marketing, many more feel they are not good enough writers, do not have the time, or are not comfortable enough with the computer to make the effort.

There are many ways a small business can develop a newsletter, when the full do-it-yourself route is not an option. First, keep in mind that it is acceptable that 20-30% of the newsletter is promotion and good news about the business, assuming the audience is primarily made of clients and prospective clients. To come up with the rest of the content, try these techniques:

1)People who know how to write well, but can