Gall Bladder - A Place For Gallstones

It is a pouch-shaped organ which is an important part of our body and lies next to the liver. It accepts the bile from the liver which is being stored to help digestion. The bile is a watery, green-yellowish fluid which is produced by the liver for better process of digestion. It is also noticed that the most common disease the gall bladder is subjected to is the gallstone problem. Gallstones are formed within the gallbladder which stores bile. Bile is combination of water, salts, lecithin, cholesterol and many other substances. Gallstones are as small as a grain and can be as large by a diameter, all depending on how much of the diagnosis have you been avoiding. Gallstones are formed when there is too much concentration of bile components leading in formation of gallstones. Gallstones can be found in all the age groups even though it is uncommon among young. There are increasing chances of having gallstones with the growing age and more prevalent in women. It can also be hereditary, people suffering from high blood cholesterol, drugs which can cause such problems. There is continuous pain in the middle of the abdomen, further complications like jaundice can also be detected, inflammation of bile ducts, liver or pancreas. You can also suffer from gas and indigestion which are some of the symptoms affecting you when suffering from symptoms of gall bladder or gallstone disease. They can be detected by ultrasound and also through x-rays. These help in detecting the presence of the stones. This can be removed by the old school treatment of surgery, medications, through shock waves breaking down the stones into pieces. If proper care is taken, this disease can be easily cured.