Knowing More About Chicken Pox

It is known as one of the most contagious diseases and is mainly seen during your childhood. The virus which causes this disease is called varicella-zoster and it causes skin rashes, red and fluid oozing blisters which can be found on any part of the body. It occurs mostly during late winters and early spring and is very contagious. It is of common knowledge that people contract chicken pox by the age of 15 and many between the ages of 5 and 9. As it is highly contagious it can easily spread to the people around which include family members as well as your fellow peers in school. Transmission of the disease happens mainly due to airborne particles which are inhaled, sharing of clothes and other items due to which this disease can spread. It also spreads through coughs and sneezes which is air borne, as well as through the fluid which is inside the chicken pox blisters. It is a viral infection which causes rashes on the skin and can be from size of the pea to something big. You can see these rashes appearing on the abdomen, back and face. It occupies its place on every other part of the patient's body which can include scalp, nose, mouth, ears and genitals. The rash in the beginning looks like pimples or insect bites which develop into blisters filled with fluid and once the blister breaks, the crust becomes dry scab. Even though this is a mild illness there can be certain complication if not treated on time can be severe. Pregnant women should take care and avoid being near such a person. If she is affected by this disease the fetus can have deformities and in the later stages of pregnancy it can be life threatening for the baby.