Health Tips For Long Plane Rides

Tips to Survive Long Airplane Flights If you are planning a long airplane flight, then here are some ways to combat the ill affects of traveling for long periods of time. A flight might last about 6 to 8 hours on longer international flights, here are some ways to combat being stuck in a chair flying at over 30,000 feet for such a long period of time. Keep yourself hydrated. Many people hate flying, so the first thing they do is down as much alcohol as possible. This is not good, because the air is usually dryer in the airplane and the affects of alcohol only dry out your body even more. Add air turbulence and motion sickness and you have the makings of an extremely uncomfortable flight. Exercise regularly. It is difficult to sit in one place for such a long period of time, so the best thing to do is to get out of your seat and walk around a few minutes each hour. Make sure to stretch your arms and legs and to roll your head around your neck. This will make you feel much more flexible and less lethargic. Make sure you don't overeat before arriving on the plane. You don't want to have to go to the bathroom when you are sitting on the tarmac or while the seatbelt sign is lit. Plus you don't want to have a stomach ache to begin your flight. So remember follow these quick tips the next time you fly and you should be feeling great in the air and once you touch down on the ground.