How to Succeed in the Poker Freerolls Part 2

How to Succeed in the Poker Freerolls Part 1 looked mostly at what cards to play and when to play them, in Part 2 we take a look at other factors that you need to be aware of in order to succeed in the freerolls.

7. Watch your opponents and learn their playing style.
You can learn a lot of valuable poker information just by watching your opponents playing style and habits at the table. Do they bet almost every hand, do they sit back and wait for a good hand (like you should!), do they fold easily at the first sign of a raise, do they just want to see a free card, is there a "maniac" who raises every hand?

8. Concentrate on the game.
If you want to find out how your opponents play, you need to concentrate fully on what you're doing. Don't write emails while your playing or surf other sites, and turn off that TV!

9. Avoid hesitation.
If you hesitate before you make your move then it is seen as a sign of weakness. In the freerolls you don