Dumbells. Dumbells All Around

Are you into body building? Have the good old dumbells given you the physique that you have wanted to have? Or have you preferred working on those modern machines over the classic dumbell? Which do you think is better? Until recently, it's the trusty old dumbell (or free weights as they are called) are the most popular form of strength training there is. During earlier times, early bodybuilders improved their strength by lifting a new-born calf right over their heads. As the calf grew, the weight that they lift also increased, probably the earliest model of the progressive strength training routine. It has developed into the modern weight stack machines that many bodybuilders are able to use now. Now there is no need for them to lift a calf over their heads. Free weights come in the form of dumbells and barbells. There are two types of dumbells available for use. There is a type of dumbell that is a one piece and single weight component. There is also a type of dumbell designed like barbells, with a central bar and removable weights that can be switched. This dumbell design takes up less room and is relatively cheaper than the single weight dumbell. On the other hand, this dumbell will take up more time to use because you have to change the dumbell weights for each exercise. A major advantage of using dumbells over modern machines is that they are more efficient in strengthening the whole body. Most dumbell exercises are done while standing, making the whole body support the weight. More of the body's muscles are being used when doing this exercise. Another important fact to note is that weight bearing exercises like this promotes bone mineralization, an important factor in the prevention of osteoporosis in the later years. Another advantage of dumbell strength training is that you will be able to mimic certain sports specific motions. Without the restrictive guiding of modern weight machines, the user can design a dumbell exercise that will closely imitate some actual sports specific motions in order to strengthen the necessary muscles. Along with advantages, dumbell exercises also have some disadvantages. One would be safety. A dumbell user needs to have greater stabilizing control over the weight of the dumbell. If you lose control of the weight, he runs the risk of injury on his muscles or injury when he drops it right on his feet. With modern strength machines, there is little possibility of this occurring since these machines are designed for safety and you may be more comfortable lifting heavier weights which will help accelerate muscle mass gain. Moreover, dumbell exercises can also put a heavy toll not only on your muscles but also on your other joints and tissues. When a free weight is on the return portion of the exercise, the weight has built up substantial momentum that your muscles must try to overcome. This action will place considerable amount of stress not only on your muscles but also on your joints and connective tissues as well such as your tendons and ligaments. So whether you prefer to use a dumbell or a weight machine to do your weight training, it is all up to you. Just always remember to take good care of using them. You must be aware of the proper weight lifting exercise techniques in order to avoid injury. As long as you know the proper way of doing your weight training, whether it is with a dumbell or a weight machine, you will be in safe hands.