
Lipoproteins are an organic compound composed of proteins and fatty substance found in the body. These fatty substances can be classified into two categories firstly lipid such as fatty acids, secondly steroids such as cholesterol. It can also be called a combination of various proteins in which one of the components is lipid. They are actually classified onto the basis of the density and chemical quantities. Generally they perform the task to transport lipid into bloodstream for further actions. Lipoproteins are biochemical assembly containing proteins and lipids and they can be either structural or catalytic in nature. Literary lipoproteins can be enzymes, ion pumps, proton pumps or even the mixture of these actions. Despite the fact that they can't perform any catalytic activity by themselves still they form the major part of the body as they take fat around the body. Broadly there are two types of lipoproteins known as High Density Lipoproteins and Low Density Lipoproteins. But very few know about the third one called as Very Low Density Lipoproteins. High Density Lipoproteins or HDL is known to be the good cholesterol produced in the body. It is always needed by the body in order to carry the cholesterol to the liver, as it removes the extra fat from the arteries and its surrounding walls. Being the smallest and densest of all it carries maximum of proteins making it good cholesterol. This produced and carried protein is known as Apolipoproteins which synthesize the excess fat and breaks it into smaller pieces. It never allows fat and Low Density Lipoproteins to settle down in the body and that too at a particular part. This reduces the risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases. Whereas Low Density Lipoproteins or LDL is bad cholesterol that's excess and can lead to various heart diseases. Its concentration in and on the arteries is the road to heart attack and cardio diseases. Being very small and denser in comparison with HDL it contains maximum of fat and cholesterol instead of proteins making it threatening fat. It has been witnessed that it increases at faster rate within the body of obese and diabetic person as their immune system is not that strong. The best way to lower down Low Density Lipoproteins is to do exercise and few body movements as it breaks down the concentrated fat and transport that to liver for further metabolism. So it is in your hands to higher or lowers your lipoproteins as it is said excess of everything is not good and healthy.