Diminishing Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are results of rapid stretching of the skin due to rapid weight gain and growth spurts. Pregnant women are more likely to have stretch marks the breasts, abdoman, and hips. Teenagers are more likely to have them on the shoulders and hips. In general, anyone who gains and loses weight rapidly will probably get stretch marks. Stretch marks can be bothersome and unsightly to the ones that have them. As the skin stretches, collagen fibers in the skin tear, thus causing damage to the dermal tissue. Unfortunatly, once a stretch mark appears it is permanant and difficult to make it fade away; however it is not impossible. Fortunatly, there are treatments available to help fade them away. A suitable method for removing the stretch marks is to use a cream which utilizes biological activators of your bodies own regenerative process to prevent and diminish stretch marks. This type of cream will stimulate the production of new collagen, elastina and other proteins from within the skin, allowing your skin to heal itself thus replacing damaged skin.