What Issues Do Young Adults Care About?

A summary of different concerns that young adults share
Amidst a myriad of political conferences, lobbying, fundraising and campaigning, our country's leaders are engaged in a daily struggle to improve the lives of Americans. True, each Congressman, Senator, etc., has his/her own goals and opinions of how best to carry out these goals. For young adults, what are the issues most important to their personal future?


According to a report published by the National Center For Education Statistics, 19.5% of Americans over the age of 18 enter college. For those who have the financial resources and discipline to finish their degrees, they must face the decreasing employment opportunities in many career fields.

However, in order to reach the education level necessary to attend college, and therefore obtain employment in higher paying positions, children must have a firm educational foundation. With the decrease of qualified teachers entering the education field, and the higher costs of private school, this foundation is difficult to obtain. For many children in urban schools, the opportunity to attend college is just a far-fetched dream. One example of this is the unfortunate fact that 20% of American adults read at or below a fifth grade level. Some educational bills that many politicians are campaigning for include: