Onset of menopause

Question : WHAT are the signs of menopause? I'm in my late 40s. I've been sweating a lot and feeling hot even when in an air-conditioned room. Answer : MENOPAUSE can be defined as cessation of menstruation in older women. A woman will normally go through menopause between the ages of 45-55 as a result of reduced oestrogen and progesterone production by the ovaries. Common symptoms of menopause include amenorrhoea (absence of period), irregularity, increased flow, vasomotor instability, hot flushes and cold sweating, palpitation, vertigo, tingling, chills, nervousness, excitability, inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, depression, fatigue, irritability, insomnia, headaches, muscle and bone aches, and gastrointestinal or urinary disturbances. Herbs such as black cohosh, dong quai, soy, red clover and sage may help to relieve menopausal symptoms. Black cohosh and sage are effective herbs for treating menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweat. Black cohosh also possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic (to relieve menstrual cramps) properties. Dong quai helps to restore balance in the woman's reproductive system by toning the uterus, nourishing the blood and stimulating a healthy circulation. Of all the legumes, soy is highest in isoflavones with beneficial health effects for menopause-related hot flushes, osteoporosis and certain types of cancers. Apart from that, B vitamins are very useful for dealing with stress and may help to ease the symptoms of menopause. Vitamin C and citrus bioflavonoids strengthen blood vessels and are good for relieving hot flushes. Menopause is usually followed by a loss in bone mass due to the hormonal changes. Women approaching menopausal age are therefore advised to increase their calcium intake. Exercising 3.5 hours a week may prevent or reduce hot flushes.