Simple Trick For Allergic Reactions -- Even Anaphylactic Shock

By Christine Wheeler, MA One of the scariest things you can experience is the unexpected attack of an anaphylactic reaction.This can be a truly life-threatening crisis and emergency attention is often necessary. If you have a severe allergy to certain foods or medications, insect stings, or latex, you may have felt the effects of anaphylaxis.Tiny amounts of the offending substance can be life threatening... even the smell of peanuts can incite a reaction if you are sensitive to them. If you have severe allergies you know that, within minutes of coming into contact with an allergic substance, your whole body can get involved with the reaction. You may feel tingling and a metallic taste in your mouth.You may experience difficulty breathing with asthma-like symptoms, heart palpitations and a sudden drop in blood pressure. You might get hives, itching, nausea or diarrhea. In the worst-case scenario, you might go into shock, or cardiac arrest, or stop breathing due to an obstruction in your airway.What do you do if this happens and you don't have access to proper medical treatment? EFT is an essential healing tool that you can have with you at all times. Anaphylactic reactions are often immediate, developing in seconds or minutes.Most people with such reactions carry emergency allergy kits to use while awaiting medical assistance or traveling to the emergency room. But you can be caught unprepared for such a reaction... even if you are normally very careful to avoid offending toxins.No matter what precautions you take you can still be exposed unknowingly to a life-threatening allergen. In such situations, many people have used Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and successfully halted anaphylactic reactions... often in just seconds. Any kind of allergic reaction can take just moments to disrupt your whole body-- including your subtle energy system. EFT is a modern form of acupuncture that quickly balances your energy meridians... when your meridians are successfully attuned, your body can return to normal. For some who have used EFT to halt such a reaction, it is as if the attack never happened and they return to their usual routine... without the use of injected adrenaline, hospitalization or being hooked up to a ventilator. Anaphylactic reactions are amplified allergic responses.EFT also gets similar impressive results with milder allergic reactions to dust, dogs, cats and the like. EFT does not claim to replace emergency medical treatment and in the case of anaphylaxis, it is certainly recommended that you follow the appropriate medical precautions. However, many reports have come from EFT users who witnessed anaphylactic incidents and offered EFT while waiting for the ambulance or medical treatment.In these cases (one of which you can read below), severe anaphylaxis was averted and in some cases, completely eliminated. To do EFT, you simply stimulate your acupuncture meridians with your fingertips instead of using needles.The basics of EFT can be learned by anyone and can be self-applied (usually in minutes). It is a simple technique that is literally at your fingertips in emergency situations.It takes just moments to apply and has consistently been shown to offer immediate relief in emergencies in more than 80 percentof cases.But in no way is it suggested that EFT be the only method used in these situations.Dinner party guest has anaphylactic reaction that is quickly halted with EFT.You can read the entire case on the EFT Web site. Pamela was attending an elegant dinner party when one of the guests had a sudden and severe reaction from unknowingly eating crab-stuffed ravioli.The guest had a severe shellfish allergy.His face and throat began to swell almost immediately and the host promptly called 911. Pamela quickly took the guest into another room, and while waiting for the emergency team to arrive, she did EFT on the man.In her words, "Before her eyes, the swelling in his face and neck began to go down and in just a few minutes he was returned to normal.He rejoined the dinner party and the 911 call was cancelled as all of his symptoms completely vanished."EFT is an important life-saving tool to have at your fingertips. This was accomplished with about 10 minutes of EFT.His recovery was so impressive that the gentleman erroneously reasoned that he hadn't eaten enough of the shellfish to get a real reaction. This often happens when someone has experienced a surprising shift as a result of EFT.It is also a testimony to the power of the procedure.His striking recovery just didn't fit into his belief system and so he needed to "explain it away." In his previous experience, he needed medical care, injected drugs, even hospitalization to avoid anaphylaxis or death.The gentleman just didn't think that it was possible that he avoided anaphylactic shock, so he tried to explain it away by saying he didn't have enough of the crab. Then he smiled at Pamela and said, "Nah, it was the tapping!"More on EFT Please note that in addition to eliminating anaphylactic reactions, EFT has been a consistently effective healing tool for hundreds of other physical, mental and emotional ailments. For more information, you can explore the EFT Web site and its numerous success stories regarding fears, phobias, emotional traumas and physical ailments. While a complete description of EFT is beyond the scope of this article, you can learn all the basics from the free EFT Get Started Package on the EFT Web site.This includes a free download of the 79-page EFT Manual.Those wishing to save time and dive right in can get the affordable five-star training DVDs. Please consult qualified health professionals before putting EFT into practice for yourself or others.