Can Acne Affect Your Social Life?

You know how when you're a kid and your mom and dad always told you that its not what's on the outside that matters, its what's on the inside? Well in my opinion that is far from being the whole truth and closer to being a half-truth...if not almost false. Acne has played a significant role in my teenage life (not so much in my twenties). Now you know deep down inside that they way you look affects how people react to you and act towards you. This is not only true in purely social situations, but also in business and in any other activity with other people. Imagine yourself as a handsome, well built, young man(or woman). You are walking in the mall browsing at different items, and you happen to see someone attractive of the opposite sex. She/he sees you looking and you both exchange glances... Now after this scenario, how do you feel? Well if you imagined yourself as stunningly good looking, you probably feel pretty good about yourself and you may even want to ask them out. The reality is, however, that most of us don't live in that world. I know I sure didn't when I had acne. You see, I had bodily acne, which covered my back, and my arms. I was lucky enough to have very little facial acne. However, the acne on my arms was pretty severe to say the least. It ran down my arms all the way to the wrist. I thought it looked horrific. You see I know that people judge you differently based on how you look. How do I know? Well I did a little test when I was in high school. And those who have been in high school recently, or are currently in high school, know that this is the best place to find out what people REALLY think about you. They are brutally honest and sometimes downright mean. Well my experiment consisted of buying a few long sleeved shirts. I would wear these shirts, and talk casually with people of the opposite sex...with some seeming quite interested in me. Then one day I would approach these same women, except this time I would be wearing a short sleeved shirt, revealing my acne filled arms. Now if what really mattered was what was on the inside, then this shouldn't have been a problem... ...but it was. They treated me differently, very differently. Of course they said hi, but once they saw the acne they were more or less not interested. Now of course this was a harsh lesson to learn...and it led me to do a lot more stupid things (which I'm sure I'll be sharing later on in my blog). The point is that acne can change the way people see you and in turn can position you for failure without anyone even knowing your true potential. I am here to say that it doesn't have to be that way. There are cures for acne out there. I believe that everyone who suffers from acne CAN cure it. The only problem is finding a solution that works. For me it was using natural acne cures that I found online. My blog contains/will contain much information on this, and also some personal stories of my own. I hope to see you all there!