Mind Over Platter---It Really Does Matter!

The American Heart Association has identified obesity as a major risk factor for Coronary Heart Disease and recommended that more research be funded for this major public health problem. The American Psychological Association has validated hypnosis as a complimentary therapy for this problem. It all boils down to using your mind to amplify four simple truths. In spite of all the hype most people will lose weight if they could motivate themselves to change four habits. If you, like nearly 50 percent of Americans, are losing the battle of the bulge, I recommend you consider these four simple ideas and amplify them with hypnosis. It works, its fun and I use it every day in my medical practice. 1) Eat Less! You can, with a bit of effort and patience learn to eat a little bit less, (about 10 percent less). None of us are near starvation in North America and we could learn to finish a meal without that "stuffed" feeling. 2) Choose Well! You can learn to take pleasure and delight in the healthy foods you can eat, rather than feel deprived about the junk and fatty foods that others relish. You can learn to become indifferent to these types of foods. Eating healthy can be fun. It just takes a bit of retraining. 3) Be Active! Without your commitment to some type of near daily modest activity of at least 30 minutes duration, it will be impossible to reach and maintain a more ideal weight. 4) Cope with stress without using food as a salve This principle, often overlooked by the "diet gurus" is essential. Food can no longer be your comfort or salve for stress or upset. Hypnosis can assist you in changing this long-standing habit. Ask yourself, "Would I like to be active, attractive and fit?" How many of us would say no? All of us would like to reach this goal, but few achieve it. Activate the full power of your mind and in combination with sensible medical counsel you will succeed. Most people who take training in hypnosis discover that it does not require that you be unaware or asleep or out of control. Rather, it is a pleasant state of focused attention that provides two major benefits. Firstly, it is profoundly relaxing. The tensions and stresses of daily life will melt away and for a while you are "in the moment", deeply relaxed and free of stress and strain. Second, you become very responsive to suggestions that are given with your permission and for your own benefit. I use hypnosis to amplify a patient's motivation and ability to make these four changes essential to weight loss and weight control. The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis has a listing of medical and psychological professionals who can provide this type of support. Do not give up. Doctors now recognize that obesity is a complex life long disease, not a cosmetic issue and not a moral judgment. Make up your mind that it is time for a change and begin a program that incorporates these four simple principles.