My First Kiss

Being seven, can be very arkward. You're no longer cute and cuddley anymore, but your still far from being grown up. At seven, I was still my Mom's charge. Wherever she went, I had to follow.

I was the strangest little Kid. I wasn't interested in anything. Every thing just seemed to be a bore, and I couldn't understand why I was a little Kid.

My Mom was always losing me. She would make me go shopping with her, and I would think, "oh, more shopping, I'm going to sleep."

So, I would crawl under a display or something and go to sleep.

After a while, all the sales girls would be on the alert whenever I would walk into a department store, because they knew I was going to find some place to hide away. But the worst place was the sand box.

Whenever my Mom would take me to the sand box, I would think, "oh, no, I have to be around all those Kids that think this is fun."

I mean after putting the sand in your pail once, the thrill is gone.

So of course, I would go right to sleep in the sandbox. But the ultimate low was Kindergarten. All of these kids playing with little blocks and making a mess with all those crayons. I went right to sleep on that.

The teacher would say to my Mom, "I don't understand your Son, he refuses to stay awake in my class."

I thought, "oh, let me hurry and grow up. Life as a little Kid, is just too boring."

I mean really, I felt like I had nothing in common with the junior set. Then, this was almost a bright note.

Someone from a modeling agency noticed me sound asleep in the sandbox one day and said to my Mom, "Your Son is really handsome, I would like to model him."

I thought, "hey, that might be interesting."

But no. My Mom said, "I want my Son to have a normal childhood and not have to grow up with cameras everywhere."

I thought, "Mom, are you crazy? I can be a star here. And anyway. What kind of a normal childhood is this that I'm having? Everything bores me."

Then one day, my Mom took me to the Park for a picnic with her friend and her friends little daughter, that was the same age as I. We were both 7 at the time.

I thought, "oh, another boring picnic, and now I'm going to have to listen to all their shopping talk. I'm going to sleep."

So, I found a nice spot on the grass and I feel sound asleep. Then after a while, I felt something crawling on me. I opened my eyes and noticed that it was my Mom's, friends, daughter. I noticed that my Mom and her friend were busy chatting away, and were not even aware that the girl was crawling all over me.

I thought, "well, if I close my eyes and pretend I'm sleeping, the girl will go away and find something else to crawl on."

But no, she kept crawling all over me.

I'm thinking, "well, I don't know what she thinks she's doing, but I'm just going to keep my eyes closed until she gets bored and goes away."

Then, all of a sudden, I feel something soft on my lips.

I'm thinking, "hmmmm, that feels good. I wonder what that can be?"

It just kept feeling nicer and nicer.

Then I thought, "oh, what the heck. Let me open my eyes to see what this is."

Then I notice, that its the girls lips, that are on mine.

I asked, "whats that"?

She said, "thats a kiss."

I said, "oh, I like that."

She said, "I like that to."

I smiled and said, "oh, at last something thats not boring."

Well, since that day, my life really changed. I wasn't falling asleep all over the place anymore. I seemed to be wide awake and interested.

But, I always wonder. "Was it the kiss that day, when I was seven, that sparked something in me; or was it just time to wake up?"

Well, whatever, I have been wide, awake, ever since. And that is the story of my first kiss, and my first unboring moment.

About the Author

My First Kiss is a segment taken from Tiffany Stone. The rest of the very long Tiffany Stone story can be found at this URL. Its okay to use either that link or the link from Go Articles.Com on your web page.