Your guide to Copper gluconate

There are many different types of supplements on the market today, and it can be tough to weed out the prospective good supplements from a world of choices. For that reason, we've written this article to explain to you more about the element known as copper gluconate. Copper gluconate, a readily absorbable type of copper, can be a great nutrient and asset for your health when used properly on a supplement basis. Copper, being an essential element that is used in all body tissues, is an important trace mineral especially during a period of bodily growth. There are several functions and benefits of copper gluconate that make it a good choice for supplement usage. It is one of the most important blood anti oxidants, helping the body fight off the damage caused by rogue cells known as free radicals. Copper gluconate also prevents the rancidity of poly unsatured fatty acids, another helpful feature. Gluconate helps to keep cell membranes healthy and, equally importantly, helps red blood cells produce hemoglobin. Other studies have also shown this element to be helpful when dealing with high cholesterol, the healing of wounds, osteoporosis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, cardiac arrhythmia, hypoglycemia, peripheral vascular disease, and even rheumatoid arthritis. When taking copper, you definitely need to exercise care with respect to your daily copper dosage. The average adult should take about 2 milligrams of copper gluconate per day. This can not be stressed enough, as copper can be toxic when taken overly. If you are pregnant or nursing, it would be a good idea to check with your local doctor to see if a copper supplement will be OK for you. In addition, if you are on any types of medication, it would be a good idea to check with your physician to make sure a copper supplement will not interfere.