Is the European Union Trying to Rally Public Support for Pos

Political forces of the European Union may be organizing massive public support for a political position that will give the European Union a trade advantage and more creditability as a global superpower.

Is the New European Union Trying to Rally Public Support for a Cause that will Provide The European Union Diplomatic Strategic Superpower Status?

The United States is pro-peace. The position assumed by the United States of America is a nation making every gesture and motion possible for peace that pragmatically considers the long-term safety and welfare of every Middle East citizen. The massive war protest movement is attempting to depict the political posture of the United States as a Nation assuming a stance of war.

The massive war protest movement may be a demonstration of political power possessed by a new stronger European Union. Political forces of the European Union may be organizing massive public support for a political position that will give the European Union a trade advantage and more creditability as a global superpower.

The majority of British citizens are opposed to Tony Blair