Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Signs And Symptoms - What Are They?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also known as CFS, can be a very debilitating problem that can really sap your energy. There are a number of chronic fatigue syndrome signs and symptoms to look out for in order to differentiate between this illness and simple flu. The causes of chronic fatigue syndrome can vary, and there are many possible chronic fatigue syndrome signs and symptoms. Sufferers could suffer from some or even all of these symptoms depending on the severity of the CFS. So, how can you tell if you have CFS or just the flu?

By learning more about chronic fatigue syndrome signs and symptoms you can determine whether you might be suffering from this illness as opposed to general flu. This will then enable you to get drug treatment and medication as necessary. There are a number of therapies available for this illness, and by looking at the causes as well as other factors your doctor can prescribe suitable medication. You may be able to get drug or alternative therapies to treat the symptoms once you have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome.

CFS - Some Possible Symptoms Some of the possible symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome include persistent tiredness, weakness, depression, headaches, exhaustion, joint aches, memory loss, insomnia, lack of concentration, and overall fatigue. It is important to seek treatment for this illness, as this will ease many of the symptoms and can save you a great deal of discomfort. Many people find that the causes of CFS are difficult to identify. However, others state that they have had CFS after a particularly bad period of stress, after an infection, or after another illness that left their defenses low.