An Introduction of Chinese Traditional Medicine

The Chinese Traditional Medicine,known as the natural treatment medicine, considers a man's body as a part of the whole universe.So any changes of the universe system may cause the man's diseases.Excepting the astronomical terminal influence on the man's body,there are six infiltrations that damage the man's health from outside. The six infiltrations are: Wind,Cold,Summer-Heat,Dryness,Wetness and Hotness. And besides,there are seven modes of emotion which damage the man's health from inside. The seven modes of emotion are :Overjoying, Anger,Sadness,Fear,Grief,Unceaced-Thinking and Worrying. According to The Chinese Traditional Medicine, not only the blood supplies nutrition for the body, but also another kind of material takes more important effect in such work,the very important material is a kind of Energy-Flow(In Chinese it's called Qi). Just like the blood flows in the vessels, the Energy-Flow flows in twenty special accesses(The accesses are named Meridians,including 12 common Meridians and 8 extra Meridians). If any of the Energy-Flow accesses(Meridians) are blocked, or the Energy-Flow(Qi) is weakened,there must be a cause of diseases. Four diagnostic methods are used in The Chinese Traditional Medicine: Inspection,a method of observing the sick's mental state,facial expression,tongue-coating,complexion,etc; Listening, a method of examining the sick's voice,tone and fluency in speaking; Inqiring, a method of diagnosing illness by asking about its cause,history,and current state; Pulse-Judgement, a method of judging various diseases by finger-feeling the 28 modes of pulse. The medicinal Sinoherb,comprising hundreds of kinds, may perform various functions to the human's body,such as Warm, Cool, Restoring Energy-Flow(Qi), Tonifying Blood, etc. The Chinese Traditional Medicine used to differentiat various diseases by using the above four diagnostic methods,and thus gives the patient proper treatments and medicinal herbs.