Scrapbooking Workshops

Part of scrapbooking is sharing time with your friends. But how much are you really getting done? Do you feel good about the cost of the workshop - did you get your money's worth? We love our scrapbook mates but consider for a moment - how much more you could get done if you go there with a mission? Mission - Not Impossible I challenge you to go to scrapbooking workshops by yourself. Just go and do your best to sit with someone who seems quiet. When you don't know anyone, imagine what you could get done. Now you just may be the type of person who can chit chat and crop till you drop. You may also be the one in the group that gets the most done. But do you set your goals before you start? We all know a Chatty Patty, heck maybe you're one yourself. Just keep trying new things, this way you will figure out quickly what needs to take place for you to get the most done. Sitting with someone who chats the whole way through the crop may be hindering your ability to get your work done. So definitely consider going on your own. You may just surprise yourself.