A Word to the War Protesters and the UN

There is crime going on in the USA so should we blame the good guys and the police for that?Well, that is what some did last weekend as they protested against the USA and the UK plan to go to war
There is crime going on in the USA so should we blame the good guys and the police for that? Of course we should not do that.

Well, that is what some did last weekend as they protested against the USA and the UK plan to go to war against Iraq.

I do not think most good people of the world want war but those of us who think war against Iraq is right realize that at times war is not a pleasant thing but it is a necessary thing.

I want those of you who took part in protesting against USA, the UK, and our leaders to know you had that right.

But may I ask why did you not protest against the leader of Iraq who treats his own people like dirt.

You know if you lived in his country or some other nations like Cuba, North Korea, China, and a few others who are run by evil people if you did not agree with the leaders you could protest. That it if you wanted some time in jail.

Now a word to the UN.

You know what Iraq was not the only one on trial last Friday so was the UN as a world leader said.

You gave Iraq rules to follow but now that they have broken them you want give them more chances.

I wonder what the UN would do if Hitler was around today I thank God he is not because who knows.

About the Author

Billy Dickson is a youth worker and writer.He writes about issues to do with our culture as he sees what is taking place in the Christian and secular world.In all that he writes his goal is to be a MAD Person. MAD=Make-A-Difference.