For the Birds

Decorative and elaborate or simple and functional, birdfeeders and birdhouses are lovingly coveted by many people (and birds)! The collector seeking a new piece for the den or study need only consider personal taste and aesthetics- many who enjoy the careful art and craftsmanship of a beautiful birdhouse or feeder would never think of placing their precious gift outside in the rain and other elements. The serious or novice birder, on the other hand, has just a bit more to consider. With a minimal amount of work and some forethought, anyone interested can enjoy observing and identifying birds from their own urban or rural yards or decks throughout the entire year. It is possible to attract up to one hundred different species of birds to a yard with the careful placing of just a few feeders and houses! While any type of birdfeeder or house will prove itself a delightful addition to your landscape, you should ask yourself just a few questions to guarantee that your bird-attracting efforts are successful for both you and the birds. When choosing the type of feeder or house you need or want, you should consider the following: Are you trying to attract a wide variety of birds or a specific type of bird? How often do you want to clean and refill the feeder? Do you want to see the bird close-up from a window or would you rather lessen the possibilities of window strikes? Are you ok with starlings and jays that like to perch and can dominate a feeder, or are you trying to attract strictly smaller clinging birds like chickadees and nuthatches? Further considerations include pests (squirrels