What Should I Sell on eBay?

If you are a new seller, my initial advice would be to gain experience of eBay selling by cleaning out your garage or attic. Start by selling used goods, small appliances, wedding gifts you never use, old books (non-fiction ones are best), used sporting goods and clothing items. Like that leather jacket that doesn't fit you any more! The experience you gain will be invaluable, there's no cost involved other than eBay fees which aren't too heavy. The next step is to sell items about which you know something. It might be related to your hobby or interests. If you are knowledgeable about a collectable or an art object, then you have the ability to do the research to find the products at prices you can resell. On eBay, anything will sell. It doesn't matter how obscure your item might be, eBay buyers will find your auction. Once you gain experience try to focus on larger value items. If you only make