Want A Successful Newsletter? Apply The 5 "P's" ...

Online newsletters/ezines number in the hundreds of thousands, and
the total is ever increasing.

How can, and will, you compete?

If you want your offering to stand out, plug it into the 5 "P's" formula ...

Purpose - Are you giving your target market what they want?
Make sure that you provide fresh content, updates on newly released,
related resources, etc., geared to the specific needs and interests of
your subscribers.

How do you find out what they are? Ask them (polls, respond
You may also want to look at your industry's "heavy hitters".
Subscribe to, and study, their offerings.
Applying the techniques that work for them can help you, as well.

Personality - You simply must develop your own style if you're going

This is of extreme importance.

Lose the hype, and interact with your subscribers as if you were
talking to each one honestly, personally.
This will help build a bond of trust, and aids self branding.

Personalize - I'll say it again, as it's worth repeating ...
Interact with your subscribers as if you were talking to each one,
personally! Use name tags, if this is an available option,
whenever possible (I prefer "first name" only. Having first AND last
looks too automated). If it isn't, you may want to change your delivery
method to a service that allows them.

Participation - Build interest by featuring member responses.
Testimonials, question and answer feedback, etc.
Showing peer involvement will help fuel interest, spur interaction.

Punctuality - Try to maintain a regular delivery schedule.
Not only will this reflect your dedication to professionalism, and
organization, it gives your readers something planned to look forward
Helpful Hint - Run an article, or free course, *series*, whenever
possible. This will give your members even more of a reason to read
the next, and subsequent, issues.

Well, there you have it.

Match your newsletter up to the 5 "P's criteria, and I'm sure your
subscribers, and you, will benefit from the results.

To make your newsletter everything it can be, from content to building
a bigger subscriber base, I recommend Paul Myers' Amazing List
< http//im4newbies.com/alm.htm >

Good luck in your ventures.
Mike Merz
Internet Marketing For Newbies

Mike Merz is a well-known Internet marketing consultant,
specializing in Online Marketing newbie start ups, and owner
of the Top5News Group, featuring Internet Marketing For Newbies
< http//im4newbies.com >