Whats In A Color ?

Red - love, excitement, warmth Pink - romantic, affection, sensuality White - purity, peace, perfection Blue - sky, water, travel, freedom, truth Purple - royalty, dignity Black - space, night, authority Green - money, calm, envy, greed Yellow - light, purity, understanding Orange - autumn, youthfulness, fire Brown - wood, comfort, strength Its very important to know which emotions or symbolizations will trigger your target audience to buy your product or service. If your selling a money-making product you should use green colors to represent money or bring out the emotion of greed. People also associate comfort and travel with money so you maybe want ad in some brown and blue colors on your web site. The same principle can be applied to graphics or pictures of your product on your web site. Package your products with colors that will trigger your audience to buy. If your selling a book about how to be more romantic, use red and pink colors on the cover. I hope these simple web site color techniques will increase your business's sales.