What are essential qualities of a home business enterprenuer or aspirant?

Home business may come with its conveniences and advantages. But its a seriuos business. I mean one earns real money by doing business from home on a computer and therefore it better be taken seriuosly. People are earning millions doing home business, and they are not taking it lightly, mind you. I mean can you take chances with the hen that lays golden eggs? Coming to the main topic, to achieve the objective of making money online by doing home business, there are certain qualities that a home business enterprenuer must work on. He may not necessarily possess these qualities, but he has to try to imbibe them as soon and swiftly as he can. They will take him a long way -In a big way. The first quality being, he has to understand that real money is being made on the internet. His conviction has to be strong. For this you can communicate with as many successful enterprenuer as you want. They all respond. Incidentally, they are never so busy to not answer a query of an aspiring online enterprenuer. Quite unlike the coporate culture that we are used to!! Get organized: Just becasue you can work at home doesn't mean, you will be able to. Unless you are disciplined, and can work un-interrupted for hours at home, its not possible to "make it online". Decide about the workplace, specific hours, no interrruptions are the keys. "But I do the same thing in office?" Exactly!! When have I said you `don't' work at home? I am saying, efforts required may be more than what you put in the office job but you do it all from your home. The convenience is you can work from the comforts of home. The convenience is not easy money. Know what I mean? Patience: You start home business today and in another fortnight money will start pouring. NO! A Capital NO. A lot pof effort will have to go into it. If your conviction is trong then you will make it. If its not, you will rund out of patience and will quit half way. hoem business takes time to flourish. Please remember that once money starts to come in it increases like you don't expect. ANd even when you have stopped working, you still keep reciving residual income because your downline is still working and their sale also entitles you to commission. its called the concept of residual income. Be patient. Have a good team leader, he/she will be by your side always, guiding you. One feels lost without a contant support. The last point. No matter what amount of money you invest in advertising or putting your business on autopilot, the income and growth will take its own time. SOme people will charge money and show you instant rise, but its artificial, after a while it is bound to drop. Take one year in hand and then work on it. If you start earning in your 6th or 7th month and within an year you have recovered everything including your computer money, well and good. Most people do it also. I consider myself in the `poor'category(absolutely ignorant about computer and did not know what was internet all about) when I joined and after my first year i was making profits. If you give it one year, you will have pleasant surprises awaiting you like I did. Let me re-emphasize, you needn't be born with these qualities, you cna learn them here. Just remember and remind yourself constantly that these qualities taht seem samll will take you a long way. Best wishes!