Creating A Space of Your Own

One of the great privileges of direct selling profession is being able to work from home. But with the freedom of your career, also come the challenges. The sink is full of dishes, your son left his crayons /on your desk, and the laundry is piled up in the corner. A well designed home office help you transition from the role of domestic goddess to high power entrepreneurial executive. Just like Clark Kent changes in the phone booth to become Superman, as you enter your office space, you turn into queen of your home business empire. Instantly your mind shifts from the laundry list of household chores, to strategies for earning that big check next month and enjoying a hard earned Hawaiian vacation. But how can you plan the perfect workspace; one that keeps you organized, inspires you, and boosts your productivity? Here with some rules of thumb to follow when designing your home office space. Plan a space that meets your needs.