Tips For Starting Your Homebased Business

Copyright 2004 by and Loring Windblad. This article may be freely copied and used on other web sites only if it is copied complete with all links and text intact and unchanged except for minor improvements such as misspellings and typos. There are many reasons why people choose to start a home-based business. Some of these are: 1. Dissatisfied with your present employment situation. 2. Out of work due for whatever reason. 3. You need to be home to care for young children. 4. You need to be at home to care for an infirm family member or aging parents. 5. You really want to be your own boss. 6. You really could use an additional income source. 7. You wish to have more time to spend with family or friends. Over the years I have learned to recognize two of the most important factors in recognizing people who should not be starting a home based business. If a prospective entrepreneur says something like... "I'm broke -- I need to make some fast money!" or, "I really want to start a home-based business but I don't want to spend any money on the business until I start making some money." is certain that they have not addressed reality and, with that mindset, they will most certainly fail. First, It takes a lot of time to successfully market and promote a new business and, if it is an internet business, a whole lot of