Are You Building on Sand or Rock?

In Matthew 7:26 of the bible, Jesus teaches that a foolish man builds his house on the sand while a wise man builds his house on a rock. When the rains and winds come, the house on the sand crumbles, but the house on the rock perseveres. The same is true for your business... When you build your business on a solid foundation, it will stand the test of time. So, what makes your foundation solid? 1. Aligning yourself with a solid company that offers unique products and a generous compensation plan. 2. Joining a team of entrepreneurs who have been successful, and who are willing to work with you and teach you exactly how to duplicate what they have done. 3. Your willingness to learn, and to apply what you are taught. When you first start out in business, a lot of what you do will be based on FAITH: - FAITH in the reputation of the company & the demand for its products; - FAITH that it will be relatively easy to earn a profit via the compensation plan; and - FAITH that your upline can truly teach you how to obtain the success they have themselves attained. Notice, I didn't say "Faith in yourself." As nice as it would be, very few people actually start a home business believing THEY can achieve success. Because most people have been beaten down in life so many times, they still "want" success but no longer believe THEY have the ability to attain it. Again, the bible has the answer: We need to be as little children. When children are learning to walk, how many times do they fall down? 10, 100, 1000, more? The answer is: It doesn't matter how many times they fall down -- they always get back up and try again...until they have fully mastered the skill of walking. How many times have you tried to achieve the success you desire? 3, 5, 10, more? It doesn't matter how many times you fail, as long as you get back up and keep on trying until you succeed! This is where having "Faith in your upline" becomes important. First, it is crucial you find a mentor who: - Is successful. - Is willing to share their secrets to success with you. - Believes in your ability to achieve the success you desire. And, above all, your mentor must be HONEST and TRUSTWORTHY since you will be putting the future of your business in their hands until you have learned to walk. Once you have found a mentor, work closely with him or her. Make time to read and study all the materials they recommend to you. Apply any business-building or marketing strategies they say are crucial to the success of your business. And, above all... Don't abandon your business when the storms come!