You Need A Miracle? Build One, Everyday!

Henry Ford, after he had achieved great success, was the subject of much public criticism. Many people thought that he was very lucky, some thought he was a genius, some thought he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, some thought that powerful friends and influential people were the "secret" of his great success. Why some people even thought he was so mean, that once he found out there would not be any chocolate in heaven, he would decide not to go. It's probably true some of these things were involved. Except the last one. But, there was something more about Henry Ford that only very few close friends and family knew. And, those few people didn't speak much about it because it was so embarrassing. You want to know what it is? I thought you did. Read on. Henry Ford had a dream to build a gasoline engine with 8 cylinders in one block. His engineers told him it was impossible. He told them, build it anyway. They said, no way. He said, find a way. After a full year the engineers still had not developed the V-8 engine. Ford told them, I want it, and I'll have it