While much is still being said and done about earning off the internet one thing seems to get missed out almost always - The Starting Attitude! If I may hazard the truth then this might well be the most common starting attitude where online earning is concerned. " This seems like easy money " No doubt about it - In it's own way an extremely good attitude, simply irreplaceable and simply irresistible. Matter of fact - just the kind of attitude that has caused and continues to sustain the MLM fusion for all these years. Well, it isn't 'easy money' as we soon realise. Business remains Business, Offline or Online! The ONLY difference is in the tool - the internet. One helluva difference no doubt but Business is STILL BUSINESS. And considering that many of us have spent quite a few years Offline without much significant success how come a short number of Online years is going to be any different? The point is...The Starting Attitude. A valid starting attitude would take various facts into account, one of which would definitely include our accumulated offline skills-sets till now. Another would temper the dreams of millions with the concerns of a Business Perspective. But the best starting atttitude could be one that's just simple and true... " This seems like easy money but is it? " This simple attitude could keep you more open to learning and quickly recovering from the inevitable failures long enough for things to begin falling into place. Because you start off not knowing but wanting to know, your motivation stays, you can accept setbacks, you can Perservere. For a base to build your online business, what could be more important than starting with the mind-set that sub-consciously conditions you to get-up and keep going? So choose your Starting Attitude well. Or should that be... Re-choose your Starting Attitude well. Too much depends on it.