"Are YOU Independent?"

While celebrating Independence Day last week, I suddenly became very aware of how "independent" I have become these last few years... - Financially Independent: I no longer rely upon a J.O.B. to provide income for my family. Through my home business, God has blessed me with the ability to generate enough money to meet my family's needs and more. No more working two jobs to get by! - Physically Independent: I no longer have to commute back and forth to work nor spend my entire day cooped up in an office. How I spend my time is my own decision. While I do choose to work hard, I also choose to play hard. What a great feeling...to have the CHOICE to spend my time doing WHAT I want WHEN I want. - Emotionally Independent: I no longer live with fear in my life...fear of losing my job (I provide work for myself), fear of losing my income (God has shown me that if, the bottom falls out of my business, I have the ability to start over and build another income very quickly), of missing out on important events (I now have the freedom to choose how I spend my time, and am always able to engage in the activities I enjoy most), etc. Why wait until New Year's to make a resolution? I CHALLENGE YOU to spend this next year building the foundation for "independence" in YOUR life. How? That's the easy part. By building a homebased business. If you haven't started building your own business by now, then it's time you got started. And, if you've been dabbling in a business, it's time you got SERIOUS. A home business is the ONLY way you will achieve complete "independence" in life. Let's celebrate Independence Day TOGETHER in 2003!