Are YOU Finished?

Isn't it great - that awesome feeling of accomplishment you get when you finish a project. I LOVE it. For example, creating an ebook. An idea grows into an outline, and then to (sometimes agonizing) hours of research, writing, rewriting, editing, and rewriting, compiling and recompiling, then finally compiling it for the last time, and uploading it to the server to make it available to the public. Ah, what a nice feeling. But, in general, if you're expecting that feeling in relationship to your Ebusiness, you'd better get ready for an attitude adjustment. Too many people are looking for a Business they can put on line and sit back and reap the rewards. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the odds of finding that kind of opportunity are pretty slim - if not non-existent. It pains me when I see someone investing their money, and ESPECIALLY their hopes, into one of the millions of the "make-money-automatically" programs. And trust me, there are MILLIONS of them, and MILLIONS of people trying to work them. Creating and managing a REAL Ebusiness is a job that has no end. It is never complete and ready to set on auto-pilot. "So, what will I be doing?", you say, "Once my website is complete, can't I take some satisfaction in that?" First of all, your website will NEVER be complete. If you have come to a point where you think it is, you'd better do some re-thinking. A successful, income-producing website is an ongoing process. You should always be looking for ways to make it better, to add content, change content, add new ideas, add new products, change marketing procedures, and on and on it goes. NOTHING works forever. And nothing works alone. Secondly, if you are doing it right, you'll never finish your email. A successful Ebusiness means answering loads of email. A REAL Ebusiness has REAL customers, with REAL needs and problems and questions. If you are doing something right, you will have more email than you can handle. ( Besides the SPAM!) People have questions, suggestions, problems, praises. And you want it all. Keeping your personal contact alive with your site visitors is essential to keeping your business successful and growing. Now, you think you've found or created the perfect product? You just know this is THE ONE! Get your marketing plan and affiliate program set up, and sit back and watch the money start rolling in? I repeat: NOTHING works forever. And nothing works alone. You'd better try repeating that sentence to yourself a few times, also, until it soaks in. I can't tell you how many times I've let myself believe that we have FINALLY come up with the product that is going to be IT for us. Some have done exceptionally well. But none have ever been the ONE to depend on for the whole enchilada. Just doesn't work that way. Its a numbers game. Lots of different products, lots of different marketing methods. Some will work, some will not. And some you'll give up on too quickly to see them work. Yes, it takes time and probably money. But would you expect it any other way in the 'brick and mortar' world? I think not. I get asked this question all the time: "I want to start an Ebusiness, but I need money NOW, and don't have any money to invest. Can you suggest a program?" Answer? NO. Fact of life. And, you can choose to allow this fact to take you in one of two directions: 1. You can become discouraged, and resign yourself to the the notion that you can't do it. 2. You can let it motivate you into getting started NOW, so that you start making income all the sooner. People have been starting and growing successful entrepreneurial businesses since the beginning of time. Its too bad that with the introduction and growth of the Internet, the idea that it should be easy and free has become so easily accepted. The internet has presented some really great new opportunities and avenues for entrepreneurs, but it hasn't changed the simple fact that it takes hard work, perserverance, and at least SOME money to make it happen. You'd be surprised how far a little diligence, and creativity can take you, if you'll just commit to hanging in. So, let me ask you ........ are you FINISHED?