SIMPLE PUBLICITY. Create a stunning signature file for simple yet highly effective promotion. Most email programs allow you to attach a signature file to all your outgoing mail. Eudora Pro ( allows me to make as many signature files as I choose. THE RIGHT SIGN. I receive hundreds of emails on a daily basis. A pitiful 10% of these contain a signature file - and most of these are badly written. Perhaps as much as one signature file a day will catch my eye and I'll end up subscribing to yet another ezine. FREE PROMOTION. You may think that it's not worth the effort. After all, how many people will really take notice of your signature? Well, think how often you request free articles, free information, send off for an ezine, post a message on a bulletin board or newsgroup .... Just think of all the subscribers you could have by now. STICK TO ONE SUBJECT. You can write signature files for your website, an affiliate program, your products or services, and anything else you can think of. But the one thing you *should* be promoting is your ezine. Once you've grabbed your new subscriber - then you can rave on about your website, your affiliate programs, etc. But get their email address first! NICE 'N' EASY. Designing a signature that commands attention is pretty easy work. Keep it short, keep it simple, and stick to one theme. Use "power" words: free, easy, how, you, now, success, learn, create ....