Have you ever wished you could go from Point A to Point B and not have to worry about the "in between? Just as a silly example it's 4:00 in the afternoon and you realize that it's close to dinner time and you have no dinner for the family! Point A you need dinner prepared and Point B having it ready on time and on the table! And the "in between" being lack of motivation to get dressed, lack of energy to get in your car, drive to the store, buy the dinner, stand in line to pay for it, drive home, unload the groceries, and finally prepare the dinner! Whew...what an effort...but the end result is that you would have a great meal! Wouldn't it be terrific if we could just snap our fingers, wiggle our noses and would all get done. The "in between" would take care of itself! Great concept but unfortunately not too realistic - unless of course you are a genie! Very often we let our fears, lack of energy and motivation, get in the way of the "in between." We stop ourselves from achieving our desired goals and doing what we really want because we are so overwhelmed by the sheer process of just getting from Point A to Point B. We have good intentions, great ideas, we want to succeed, and we have big dreams but we are stuck in the "in between." In business especially, I think we have all been a victim of our own fears and self doubts at one time or another. In today's world of high tech computers and ever-changing Internet technology the "in between" can be terribly confusing, mindboggling and a scary place to be! For me, the "in between", was 3 years ago when I learned how to turn on my computer. Just trying to imagine being on line, starting a business and trying to make money, was something I could not even fathom let alone be a part of. But now 3 years later I view the "in between" a totally new way. It's still scary and I still make mistakes ( some whoppers!!!) but I have a whole new confidence and energy that I never had before. I've learned it's ok to ask questions...many many questions, even the silliest ones! I've learned that there are some pretty terrific people out there in this "computer land" that are more than willing to help you on your journey and I've learned that eventually everything does make sense! So if you're just coming on line, starting a new business, joining a new program, creating a new website, or even starting your own newsletter, don't be afraid of the " in between." Just remember to stay focused, don't get discouraged, have faith in yourself, ask lots of questions and you will see that the dreaded "in between" will take care of itself.