Is Everyone But You Earning $5,000 a Month?

Seventy years of age used to mean old. Now it can mean Miata- driving, mall-walking, decaffeinated momentum. That's my dad. Meet another spirited septuagenarian, Phyllis Eakins. "I just feel good!" she exclaimed from her home in Michigan. At 71, she is alert, healthy, and hip. Faster than her husband Roy can bake another loaf of bread, Phyllis is referring a new member to the online company she represents. And she's delighted with the few hundred dollars a month that puts into her bank account. "Are you on the phone again?" Phyllis says her husband teases her. "He won't be moaning when we're sitting poolside in the sunny south!" said Phyllis. Having traveled for 8 years in a motor home with Roy, the Eakins are experienced and ravenous travelers. After saving a little more of her referral bonuses, she and Roy will be singing "On the Road Again" with Willie. Will Tim and Marcia Krahn retire in Tahiti? Maybe not, but after 25 years of marriage, they're very happy. The Krahns had recently earned $277 one month and $236 the next from Tim's part time efforts selling low cost long distance and Internet service. "My last check paid for new glasses," said Tim Krahn. Working part time from his home allows the two to stay close to their home and land. The Krahns grow blue, red, and black rasberries, plus 3 kinds of apples, pears, and cherries! "I wouldn't say we're health food nuts," said Marcia, "but we live in prairie country here in Illinois where the soil is good. Plus we have 5 children!" Jan Strieter and her husband, a diesel mechanic for Catepillar, recently settled in the upper peninsula of Michigan in a small town called Negaunee. "We love it!" exclaimed Jan, telling me how the family goes snowshoeing on picturesque rock bluffs adjoining their property. "Selling isn't something I was born with," said Jan. "I was a waitress for a long time, which taught me to listen to people. Then I worked for Tupperware and Avon." Like the Eakins and the Krahns, Jan sells for What does Jan like best about selling part time from home? The extra income, of course. Jan thought a second, then added a good point. "Being around other positive people is so great!"she said. "They are awesome!" "I put in a backyard deck!" "I helped pay for my children's braces." "I pay for a personal trainer!" "My children are my hobby. My 2-year old sits on my lap while I work at home part time." "I don't have to hide my phone bill from my husband anymore. I've eliminated it with some simple work!" These are some of the things people tell me they use the money for that they earn selling part time from home. Do they "Earn Unbelievable Amounts For Doing Nothing!!" like so many opportunity ads promise? I have met some people doing that, but a lot of folks are happy with just a little extra income a month. "Get up and get going," recommends Phyllis Eakins. What could you do with more money in your pocket?