How to Determine if Your HOME is Right for Your HOME-Based Business

Before you decide to give your notice at work, tell your boss what he can do with his job, hang out your own shingle and start a home-based business, there are several things you'll first want to consider about your home. 1. Is it in a quiet neighbourhood? What I mean by that is that if you are right beside the I-5 freeway, or right under a major flyway, or even across the street from a busy mall, your home may not be the best place to try to focus on a home-based business. 2. Is there really room for you to establish an office in your home? You don't want be working from your kitchen counter, coffee table or cabinet-top, so make sure there is enough comfortable space available for you to establish a home-based office -- and to expand if you need to -- separate from family daily living areas. 3. What are the home-based business zoning bylaws in your community, or state? Will you legally be allowed to 'set up shop' where you live? Some towns and cities have very restrictive guidelines regarding what is or isn't allowed, and others have very few regulations. Check with your municipal authorities, as the laws are different right across North America. 4. Will you be able to get insurance - not just for fire or theft, but for your $3000 computer system, and for public liability, if necessary? Call a local agent and discuss your business plan thoroughly, before you hang out that shingle. 5. Is there adequate lighting, heat availability and air ventilation in the room you are planning for your office? Will your electrical and telephone systems be able to handle increased activity and strain, or will you need to upgrade first? If you really aren't sure whether or not your present home is suitable to establish a home-based business, it may be advisable to consult with a real estate specialist in your area. These professionals are often quite knowledgeable and up-to-date regarding whether or not you can set up a home- based business in your current location. Avoid the stress of finding out, too late, that a home-based business just isn't do-able from your present home.