The Home Working Myth: How to Stay Sane!

'So do you have a REAL job?' 'Must be nice being able to nap whenever you want.' 'Gee, I wish I could take it easy like you do...' Everytime I hear these types of comments - intentionally malicious or not - my eyes lock and my jaw clenches. Somehow, somewhere, a nasty rumor began implying that when you earn your living from your home, you're not actually working. Yes, I have flexible hours. True, I sometimes only work 2 hours in a day. Some days I don't work at all. But sometimes I work evenings when others are watching TV, weekends when friends are out for a day of relaxation, plus occasional late nights or extraordinarily early mornings - long before the rest of the neighborhood is stirring. The fact of the matter is, although home workers have a great deal of flexibility they also tend to spend a lot more time working than if they were in an office. Help keep yourself sane with these tips. __Eat well and don't skip meals. Don't blow off regular, healthy meals just because you're busy. You're ALWAYS going to be busy and you may never find the 'right' time to take a break. Eat your meals. They'll keep you fueled with energy and provide nutrients to the old brain. __Exercise. Exercise is probably the first thing to go when we're busy. I recently read a study that estimated that only 30% of the adult population gets enough exercise! What a sad statistic. Exercise is a great energizer, and believe it or not, it *does* become a habit. If you miss a day, you don't feel as good. I always exercise first thing in the morning. That way it's out of the way before I get engrossed in my work. __Take breaks when you need them. You're a person, not a machine. Don't force yourself to keep going when you're burnt out. Take some time off to do something you enjoy, and FORGET about work for a while. It really helps! You'll feel more refreshed and ready to tackle your next task. __Stick to an approximate schedule. I say 'approximate' because one of the benefits to working from home is flexibility! But setting a 'regular' schedule (barring the occasional deviation) helps you to stay on track and get things done. __Keep your sense of humor - but don't be a wimp. You're WORKING from home, so don't get swindled into caring for the neighbor's kids everyday ('as a favor') or running errands for friends or family ('because you have lots of time'). No doubt some people will think that 'working from home' is equivalent to 'munching snacks while watching daytime TV'. Learn to say a guilt-free NO! Treat yourself right, and enjoy the benefits of being one of the lucky people who can say, 'I work fro