How do I finalize budget for my bedroom design project?

Budget is one of the important factors in design and decorating interior spaces. Professional designers are trained to design various elements of the space in a way that would be most economical without sacrificing the beauty of their design. This balancing act between money end and the aesthetic end is a difficult task. But before even chalking out a budget plan there are certain things that need to be considered here. When it comes to finalizing budget, some people depend entirely on the designer. Since the cost of the entire project directly depends upon the finishes and materials used, they think that the designer will take care of all the economic aspects till the execution. But in practical life this may not happen. If you are not quite sure about what you really want out of the decorating project, I mean the real purpose of this whole decoration project, you might end up spending a lot more that what you can actually afford to. The reason I am talking this way is, many people unconsciously believe that "expensive design is a good design solution". Which is not always true. Of course expensive design will look good and impressive, but need not be beautiful. This is especially true with personal spaces such as a bedroom. That's why it is first necessary for you to understand from within, why do you want to decorate or redecorate your bedroom. You can ask yourself questions like these.... 1)Do I want more comfort in my room? 2)Do I want to feel good amongst other fellow colleagues in my office? 3)Do I want to spend some money on decorating because I have never done it before? 4)Is there any special purpose for such decorating work, for example your wedding or Christmas holidays? 5)Any other you can think of.... Now let's try to answer any one question from the above list. Let's say I select the first question and answer it as "yes, I need more comfort in my bedroom." Now if I want more comfort in my room I can easily chalk out a list of points that causing my room to be uncomfortable at this present moment. If altering only a few amongst them will make my room more bright and cheerful, I won't go in for a full and heavy decorating project with loads of work and money being spent. Writing down out those defective areas and doing a little market research on the web or local stores/yellow pages can fairly give an idea of the pricing and budget requirements. So the most important is "purpose" of your decorating project. If the purpose of your decorating project changes, you will have to face a different set of problems. For example if you want to decorate your bedroom because it's your marriage, then probably you will have to add or alter certain amenities because then you will be sharing the room with your husband/wife. In such a case you might go in for a full design and remodeling project, where your would be life partner will also participate in finalizing various aspects of design such as color schemes, finishes, and also the budget. This was just a small snippet of what and how you can easily control the budget in a decorating project. I will try t throw some more light on budget issues in my future articles. Till then, happy reading.... Copyright Shrinivas Vaidya