The Deadly Sin Of Inaction

"There is difference between knowing the path and walking the path"

- Morpheus, Matrix Revolutions.

Can you make money on the net?

What kind of question is that?

Of course you know that it can be made. That is why you are reading an article on internet marketing

It is good to know. Knowledge is an essential item that we should possess.

My next question is to a particular segment.

Why are you not in business then?

Many a people know that money can be made on the internet. A lot of them also know that potential is huge.

But why then they do not start their own business and earn money.

They just know. They do not endeavor.

Just knowing is not enough. One must realize what he knows. Only then he can be convinced about the actual path and destination. So many people start their business on the net. They know they can earn money and lot of that. But they stop midway before they can earn a single dime.


There is a difference between knowing and walking the path.

They just know. Their knowledge is based on perception. Their knowledge is not based upon realization. They become shaky, loose confidence and stop before they put their first step in.

Knowledge based upon perception from surrounding can be easily clouded. Doubts are raised quickly. Fear rises inside,