Do It Yourself Pet Urine Removal 101

Pet urine can be a huge problem in a residential home. Luckily, pet urine is easily removed, as long as you can follow these simple steps. Everything you need for pet urine removal can be found in most households. Here they are. 1. White Vinegar 2. Water 3. White rags 4. Spray Bottle 5. Enzyme Deodorant You can purchase an "enzyme pet deodorant" at you local carpet supply store.( Ex. If you live in Dallas, you could search for "carpet supply store dallas") Also, most Home Depot's carry some type of pet deordorizer. The best case scenario is that the urine is 24 hours old or less, any older and it will start to permanently damage the carpet from the acidity in the urine. Blot the urine up with a white rag by pressing with the heel of your foot, while standing on one leg if possible. This distributes the most amount of weight in the smallest area possible. It will also soak some of the urine from the pad as well. Do this for about 10 seconds and release. Take your spray bottle and put 50/50 vinegar and water, shake for a few seconds. Turn the trigger until it is spraying a mist. Spray the pet urine spot until the stain is completely saturated. If you are concerned that there is a heavy amount of urine in the pad, peel the carpet off of the tack strip and remove the affected area. If you do not have extra pad and want to try and save the existing pad that is affected by the stain, you can spray some enzyme deodorant on the pad until it is completely saturated. After you have soaked the urine up with your towel and sprayed white vinegar on it, you then want to blot up the excess vinegar after about 15 or 20 minutes. The vinegar's job is to neutralize the acid in the urine, so it does not permanently stain the carpet. The final step is to spray the enzyme pet deodorant until it has totally saturated the affected area, wait another 15 to 20 minutes and blot the excess. Like I said earlier, you can treat the pad with the enzyme deodorant by pulling the carpet back and spraying the pad directly with the enzyme or it can be removed and replaced with new.