Tech Support Email Writing Exposed!

For a long time, I have been noticing the -- sometimes appalling -- way that people write emails. Too many do not bother to check their writing before sending out their emails. We see that in personal emails, business emails and on internet forums. The worst offenders being sales letters that are full of errors!

And, more and more, we see this sloppiness in the correspondence of tech support groups who are front end customer service representatives!

Too common in the virtual office...

Ok, small typos are understandable. We all make them.

But BIG typos, one after another, along the whole string of e-conversations can be very unpleasant to say the least, and do not express a demonstration of customer appreciation nor professionalism.

Imagine standing in a real time face-to-face discussion and the person you're conversing with stumbles at every other word, stringing together a couple of words at regular intervals, skipping pronouns and endings, and leaving off whole consonants and prepositions...

... and you had to put up with several of these communicators in your place of business within the inter-personal activities of management, customers and suppliers day after day.

How would that feel? What would it say about those people you